Mia | "A Child's Dream & Their Fathers Love" the Michael A. Reynolds Memorial Performing Arts Scholarship

Mia Guillen is the scholarship recipient for this school year 2018-2019, and this is her story.

I have been dancing since I was 3 years old and they have been here at Stacia's School of Dance.   I remember when I first started dancing how my brother would get embarrassed as we would walk down the isles of the store and I would be tapping or leaping away.   He always had to tell me “to stop or don’t  do that here”, because everyone is watching us.  Something you may not know about me is that I moved from Lancaster to Forney, Texas about 6 years ago and this has not stopped me from coming to the studio.   People always seem to ask me why I drive so far just to do dance when there are studios 10 minutes from my house, my response is why wouldn't I”.  Stacia's School of dance has a great environment and everyone you meet here is amazing.   The studio is my second family is how I see it.  Being at the studio takes me to another place, being here is my getaway, I enjoy every minute I am here.  Throughout the years I can honestly say that I didn't work as hard as this past year. Mrs. Stacia has always inspired me to work harder, even though I don't think that she knows this.  I love the way she has the patience to teach us dance moves we sometimes think we can’t do.  She has made me believe that just because you don't know it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world, that I just need to practice more.   I can’t tell you how many times on my drive back home, I would tell my mom “I couldn't” do something.  But her suggestion was “Mia, I know you can do it, prove to Mrs. Stacia and to yourself that your wrong”.  I am very thankful for this years Scholarship, you see I get to continue my passion for dance.  I was heartbroken when my parents told me that I couldn't do dance anymore because I was entering high school and they were planning my Quinceanera.   I was devastated, I didn’t want my dream of dancing to go down like this.   I saw myself doing all 15 years with Mrs. Stacia.  “This isn’t happening to me”, I thought to myself, “what can I do?”   I remember Mr Donnie telling my mother about the Scholarship and how it wouldn't hurt to apply.   I told my mom, I wanted to submit a video, she asked me if I was sure.   YES!! YES!! YYYYEEESSSSS!!!!! I exclaimed.   I submitted my application and all I could think of for the following days was the scholarship.   Once recital came I was nervous and excited, but I was still anxious for awards to begin because I wanted to see if anyone had won the scholarship.   When Mrs Stacia announced my name, I was filled with joy and held my tears back.  The feeling is overwhelming and unexplainable!   I would like to thank ILUV2.DANCE and Stacia’s School of Dance for this amazing opportunity to dance.  Thank you for choosing me, I will continue my passion for dance one more year.  

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