Avery | McKenna Woodlan Scholarship for the Performing Arts

This is Avery's Story:

My story has been really difficult for me because I don’t think I can put into words how much musical theatre means to me. There is no other place where I can be myself while portraying someone else. The arts have consumed my life and I couldn’t be any happier. Dancing, acting, and singing are my ways of expressing myself. There are days when I leave my house at 6:30 am and don’t get back until 11:00 pm...I love to sleep and I wouldn’t do that for anything that did not make me 96,000% happy (yes I did just reference In The Heights). I switched schools last year because of the arts; I left all my friends so that I could go to a fine arts academy where everyone there has the same passion for the arts as I do. I love where I am not only school-wise but in my life. I don’t think I would be as happy as I am currently if the arts were never introduced to me. I have gotten so many new and cool experiences from every single thing I have done that has related to the arts. Performing is what I love to do; my job as a performer is to make at least one person in the audience feel something and leave with a new experience...if I can do that then I know I’m doing what I love and I’m doing it for a good reason.

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